Increased export of Plantaže wines in the Polish market
Plantaže wines have been listed in the most important Polish trade chains such as: Le clerc, Intermarche,Piotor and Pawel and Rossmann.
Miroslav Vuković ,executive director of the company 13.Jul-Plantaže a.d. Miroslav Vuković with his associates in charge of the sales department, has stayed in Poland this week, where he will conduct intense negotiations with business partners concerning signing sales contracts , by which the export of Plantaže wines will be multiply increased in the Polish market in the next period.
Thanks to the strategic consideration of this market and activities of the sales department, Plantaže wines have been recently listed in the most important Polish trade chains, such as: Le clerc, Intermarche,Piotor and Pawel and Rossmann.
During this visit to Warsaw, besides the negotiations with the trade chains, the representatives of Plantaže will have a series of meetings and discussions on strengthening the co-operation and with the representatives of HORECA.
Regarding the outcome of the discussions, led so far, Miroslav Vuković, executive director of Plantaže says:’ Leading position and the biggest share has been provided for Plantaže wines in the chain of luxurious national restaurants called Munja. Munja restaurant chain has been owned by the family Đurović, originated from Montenegro.’
The sales of Plantaže wines has recorded the growth for the first eight months this year, both in the local and export markets. Accordingly, Plantaže continues the trend of sales growth in Poland, as well. ,,This visit will foster the base for the establishment and development of longterm excellent relations with the buyers which will, to a considerable extent, result in the increased export of Plantaže wines in the market of Poland. We examine meticulously each market and we are sure that we will continue the positive trend of sales growth , by intensifying the co-operation and planned activities in the following period and thius, boost the position of Plantaže wines in all markets.’’- Vuković said.

Prodaja vina Plantaža za prvih osam mjeseci ove godine bilježi rast kako na domaćem, tako i na ino tržištima. U skladu s tim, Plantaže nastavljaju trend rasta prodaje i u Poljskoj. „Ova posjeta će osnažiti osnovu za uspostavljanje i razvoj dugoročnih kvalitetnih odnosa sa kupcima koji će, u značajnoj mjeri, rezultirati, povećanjem izvoza vina Plantaža na tržištu Poljske. Pažljivo analiziramo svako tržište i uvjereni smo da ćemo inteziviranjem saradnje i planiranim aktivnostima u narednom periodu nastaviti sa pozitivnim trendom rasta prodaje i ojačati poziciju vina Plantaža na svim tržištima.”-zaključuje Vuković.