Information on adopted decisions from XXI regular meeting of the Shareholders’ Assembly of 13. Jul-Plantaže a.d. 
Information from the Shareholders’ Assembly
XXI meeting of Shareholders’ Assembly of the company 13.Jul-Plantaže a.d. Podgorica was held on 30.06.2022. at the wine cellar Šipčanik.
The following resolutions were brought at the meeting:
- Resolution on modifications and amendments of the Articles of Association
( This Resolution was adopted with 121.344.556 votes ,,for’’ i.e. 99,78% and 270.527 votes ,,against’’, i.e. 0,22% of the present shareholders)
- Resolution on adoption of the financial statements and operational reports of the Company for 2021
( This Resolution was adopted with 121.073,839 votes ,, for’’ i.e. 99,55 % and 541,244 votes ,,against’’, i.e. 0,45% of the present shareholders)
- Resolution on adoption of Auditor’s report on audit of financial reports for 2021.
( Resolution was adopted with 121.073.839 votes ,,for’’, i.e. 99,55% and 541,244 votes ,, against’’, i.e. 0,45% of the present shareholders)
- Resolution on election and appointment of the auditor for 2022
( Resolution was adopted with 121.328,496 votes ,,for’, i.e. 99,76 % and 270.527 votes ,, against’’, i.e. 0,22% of the present shareholders)
Secretary of the Company,
Goran MIlić