Continuous investments of substantial means into production-processing capacities from previous years indicate reliably that the company 13 jul-Plantaže is heading safely and acceleratingly to future. All investments have been carefully planned and they are reply to particular demands of the market as well as to true need to look ahead to future with optimism which will not be reachable if there had not been such investments. Over 40 million euros was invested in the previous ten years in different projects.
The realized projects in the previous two years:
Adaptation if bottle line
It was by the end of 2017 that the company began the works, concerning the adaptation of the bottling line as well as the gallery and warehouse space, located in its composition. The Safety Food Law of Montenegro, adopted in 2015 as well as adopted HACCP standard imposed the application of the new standards and adaptation of the existing state complied with the legal norms. Having realized this project, we got completely adapted space that meets all requested technical-technological standards and therefore acquired a prerequisite for the installation of the new bottling line.
Bottling line
Installation of the new bottling line is one of the most important investments, realized in previous 15 years. The installed line is supplied with 13 machines of the 5 renowned Italian manufacturers, integrated into a functional system. The effective capacity of the line is 10.000 bottles per hour.

By the installation of the new bottling line , Plantaže provided:
- increased work efficiency and adaptation to the market changes,
- increased quality and consistent quality of the bottled products,
- reduced dependence on the human factor and automatisation of the whole operational process in the bottling line.
Opening of the bottle line
Biomas boiller
As a social business responsible company, taking care of each segment of operation, Plantaže has been implementing the systematic measures in the field of the environment protection in the last years , improvement of energetic efficiencyand use of the renewable energy sources. Regarding it, by the end of the last year, within our production capacities, we installed the first biomass boiler.
As a company which has a substantial quantity of the material after the winter pruning each year, the idea for the utilization of the wood bio mass began to develop since 2016. The energetic composition and caloric value of the vine pruning residues have been generally known and therefore, the good work practices have been implemented in our company, as well through the replacement of the use of the energents.
By procurement of the biomass boiler we eliminated the fossil fuels use, known as the biggest pollutants that emit harmful CO2.
By installing the biomass boiler, Plantaže:
- effected the whole substitution of the use of fuel oil and mazut
- reduced the emission of CO2 for 740 tons annually
- used all secondary raw materials, produced by biomass combustion, for the fertilization of the vineyards and new plantations.
Receival Cold Storage Plant
In 2018, the works began for the construction of the new cold storage plant for receival, storage and handling of the fresh fruit from the vineyards and orchards of Plantaže. The cold storage plant, consisting of 7 chambers, total capacity 924 pallet places will provide easier harvest management, increase quality and longer life of the products. By realizing this project, Plantaže provides the necessary infrastructure for further expansion of the table grapes plantations and orchards. The cold storage plant consists of: three chambers for quick fruit cooling, four chambers for fruit storage, sorting machine for peaches and nectarines as well as sorting tables for the table grapes .
The facility will pass the technical receipt during April and it will finally be ready for the exploitation of the first next harvest.

Receival Cold Storage Plant
In 2018, the works began for the construction of the new cold storage plant for receival, storage and handling of the fresh fruit from the vineyards and orchards of Plantaže. The cold storage plant, consisting of 7 chambers, total capacity 924 pallet places will provide easier harvest management, increase quality and longer life of the products. By realizing this project, Plantaže provides the necessary infrastructure for further expansion of the table grapes plantations and orchards. The cold storage plant consists of: three chambers for quick fruit cooling, four chambers for fruit storage, sorting machine for peaches and nectarines as well as sorting tables for the table grapes .
The facility will pass the technical receipt during April and it will finally be ready for the exploitation of the first next harvest.
Establishment of the new plantantions
In 2019, planting of the new 55 ha of vineyards has been planned, accompanied completely with the related infrastructure that implies, in this case, the construction of the new research and exploitation well, capacity 90 litres of water per second as well as drip irrigation system, covering all area.
Establishing the plantations will be completed by the 1stof September 2019.
The rejuvenation of the orchards, precisely peaches , on the area of 2,2 ha has been planned for this year and therefore , the process of rejuvenation of the peach and nectarine plantations , covering total surface of 85 ha, will be finalized.
Other equipments
The company has continued from the previous year to improve and purchase state-of-the- art equipment by allocating considerable means for the procurement of the equipment in the production sectors, aiming at the improvement of the efficiency of the operational processes and modernization of the operations.
Planned investments
Investment focuses in 2019 on the modernization of the equipment in OU ‘Fruit-growing and Vine-growing’ production, a part of the equipment in OU ‘Processing plant’ as well as on spreading catering facilities by reconstructing the restaurant Mareza.